Monday, November 29, 2010

For Deepti...

This poem I wrote for most special person in my life, 'Deepti' only....

You are so innocent and so sweet
Whatever way I look you are so complete
Since many years I was searching only You
Meeting with you gave my life meaning new
Just in a meeting you became my soul mate
You are special with no one I can equate
Before you my life was dead and boring
You are simple, cute and amazing
I want to hold your hand and walk
Lost forever with you in endless talk
I am feeling like reaching on cloud nine
How do I believe that you have become mine
I am the patient and you are my doctor
Want this feeling to stay forever
Nothing more that I have to say
I will love you, past, present and always....

(C) Rakesh kumar Nov 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Far there in the sunsihine
Are my highest aspirations
I may not reach there
But I can look up and see their beauty
Believe in them
And follow where they lead...

Only as high as I reach can I grow
Only as far as I seek can I go
Only as deep as I look can I see
Only as much as I dream can I be...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I said 'Yes'

Yes. I said 'Yes' to her.  I met her during my dewali vacation trip and and my heart said 'she is the one'. Only in first meeting. I called my parent and gave my permission to go ahead. I never had this feeling before. It feels so different..

This I wrote for her only...

I never had this feeling before
You are the one whom my heart adore

Now it feels so different
Before you this feeling was absent

My days were dull and evening silent
You came as source to sweet fragrant

Sound of your voice is like butter
Sweet and smooth like an old liquor

It makes me smile, lift my mood
Turn me upbeat like a soul food...

I never heard words so mooth and silky
They can turn a sunny day into cloudy

In my life you are a sweetest doll..
You have become to me from none to all

(c) Rakesh Kumar Nov 2010.

Three years gone by..

This poem wrote on completing 3 years in my current job..

Three years gone down the line
Not sure if I have grown or decline

Never had moment when my interests were absent
Though sometime I had complain about my treatment

Looking back through the years
I had many occasion to cheers

Sometimes things were up and sometimes low
Sometime I was leader and sometime only a shadow

Years passed has been fun and excitement 
Time here have been completely different

Occasionally things were not certain
I was searching ground for my action

Thinking about my next goal
Should I seek a higher payroll

Should I open myself for new callings
Wait and watch for things
And remain in current being

Sometime I feel being all alone
Do I lack courage to get out of comfort zone

Today I am feeling bit old and dry
Spread wings for new things to try

(C) Rakesh Kumar Nov. 2010