Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Life well lived?

When the world presents us with something interesting or frustrating or curious, what we choose to do something about it. Choose to be a creator. Creating something is the perfect way to avoid wasting the precious moments that we have been given. To contribute, to create, to chip in to the world around us and to add our line to the world’s story — that is a life well lived.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Through All of my life goals kept me busy
Path going to them were not so easy
Walking on them occasionally I felt like cry
But whole of my life I never questioned why

Many time I was sacred and confused
people around me also felt I was rude
I never paused to amend my ways
never listened to what people had to say

Its not that I cared any less anyone
I didn't like questioning what I have done
Always tried spoke what i thought and felt
It was others problem how they dealt

Though over a period I started feeling pain
Whole of my looking for green pastures and rain
There is flame still burning inside
But when i say enough to let it die
I have been playing till now cold and tired
Time is not far away when it will expired

Surely my life has not been a easy road
Though I have travelled on it most
Occasionally i had fear for road less travelled
but my heart was never contend & settled
the high and low between happiness and sorrow
Again standing up and looking for a new tomorrow

© Rakesh Kumar April 2014

Friday, April 04, 2014

घटा आयी सावन की और बादल जोर से बर्षा
फिर भी एक प्यासा पानी को तरसा

हुआ एक सबेरा और सूरज जोर का निकला
फिर भी दिलों का अँधेरा कभी बाहर ना निकला

बेच डाला अपनी सारी  जिंदगी उनकी प्यार  की  आस में
फिर भी उनकी दिल पाने  कि कीमत कम निकला

गुजर गयी ज़िन्दगी एक मन्ज़िल कि चाह में
फिर भी उनका रास्ता ज़िन्दगी से दूर निकला

©Rakesh Kumar April 2014