Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why do I care..

When I don't have a hope for sunlight
Why do I care when is end to night

When there is no tears in my eyes
Why do I care how much I cry

When my goal is only to walk
Why do I care about time to stop

When my dreams have only cheated
Who do I care when I fainted

When you are only things I lost
Why do I care to things I got

When only your words are absent
Why do I care to whatever I listen

When your eyes have only tears
Why do I care how happy world appear

When you don't only pay attention
Why do I care about greatness in my action

When I don't understand meaning of joy
Why do I care if there is anything to enjoy

When you only burnt my picture
Who do care if my house have mirrors

When I don't have your hand to hold
Why do I care if life is full of gold

When you are only keeping deep silence
Why do I care if my heart is vibrant

When you are only at the end of journey
Why do I care to how much my path is bumpy

When I have decided only you to pray
Why do I care if temple is far away

When from my memory you are erased
Why do I care about where are you based

When I can speak with my silence
Why do I care about your presence

When my own shadow is my best friend
Why do I care how to pass my weekend

© Rakesh Kumar Aug 2010

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