Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why do I care..

When I don't have a hope for sunlight
Why do I care when is end to night

When there is no tears in my eyes
Why do I care how much I cry

When my goal is only to walk
Why do I care about time to stop

When my dreams have only cheated
Who do I care when I fainted

When you are only things I lost
Why do I care to things I got

When only your words are absent
Why do I care to whatever I listen

When your eyes have only tears
Why do I care how happy world appear

When you don't only pay attention
Why do I care about greatness in my action

When I don't understand meaning of joy
Why do I care if there is anything to enjoy

When you only burnt my picture
Who do care if my house have mirrors

When I don't have your hand to hold
Why do I care if life is full of gold

When you are only keeping deep silence
Why do I care if my heart is vibrant

When you are only at the end of journey
Why do I care to how much my path is bumpy

When I have decided only you to pray
Why do I care if temple is far away

When from my memory you are erased
Why do I care about where are you based

When I can speak with my silence
Why do I care about your presence

When my own shadow is my best friend
Why do I care how to pass my weekend

© Rakesh Kumar Aug 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

(राकेश के) दोहे

आजकल के नेता भूल गए हैं चिंतन
संसद मैं बैठ कर करें एक दूसरे की माँ बहन

खाना पानी र्दोस्त मित्र सब गए वो भूल
जबसे उनको चढा है सोसल नेटवर्किंग का जनून

अब कैसे अच्छा लगे उनको अपना देश
जबसे उनको मिला है अमरीका मैं प्रवेश

कितना मिले सेलरी कितनी बड़ी है कार
इन सब से ही मिलता है अब सच्चा प्यार

जबसे हुआ है देश मैं इन्टरनेट का प्रसार
तब से लोग भूल गए हैं चीट्ठी और तार

बेच रहें हैं वो शिक्षा खोल कर के स्कूल
कैसे पढेंगे अब गरीब के कलेजे के फूल

जिंदगी के जंग मैं जीत उसी की होई
राजा को बचाने के लिए पैदल जिसने खोई

दो ही पल कठिन गुजरे हैं उनकी याद में
एक आने के पहले और एक जाने के बाद में

आजकल कुछ सिखने का ना जरुरत, ना डर
जब न कुछ आवे तो गूगल मैं बेझिझक सर्च कर

किचन मैं जाकर नारी तू मत हो शर्मशार
जब पति को भूख लगे तो पिज्जा से कर उपचार

माडर्न गर्ल फ्रैंड रखने के सर दर्द है चार
फोन बिल बढे, दोस्त भगे, पैसा घटे, सोने की फुर्सत ना मिल पाए

दो मन्त्र याद रखो अगर बढ़ना है तुमको कॉर्पोरेट वर्ल्ड मैं आगे
अपने बराबर वाले की काटो और अपने ऊपर वाले की चाटो

टीवी पर देखो चैनल खुल गए हैं हजार
मीडिया के दलाल कर रहे हैं न्यूज का व्यापार

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


How much hard you fight
You will not be able to decide
What will be my ultimate fate
How long I have to wait...

Right now it may be costly
But it will be part of history
Just want to take it slowly
One day I will reach to glory...

Nothing more can get any better
I want you to be with me forever
These words will always be true
That I will always stand for you...

Let me sleep I don't want to wake
Whatever it takes or goes to stake
Don't want to end this dream ever
That you are my life only answer...

Looking at your face makes me blind
Days and night you are in my mind
With you my heart and soul was signed
You fill stars in my empty life
When will you marry and be my wife...

(C)  Rakesh Kumar Aug 2010

If not you then...

If not you, then who
This is final without any argue
You, who forced me to surrender before you

If not you, then who
How difficult it may seem
You, who broke all my dreams

If not you, then who
I was left with option none
You, who forced me to drink posion
You who forced me to live as an orphan

If not you, then who
It was going since ages
You, who broke me into pieces
You, who burnt me into ashes

If not you, then who
I found in my way only thorn
You, who killed me before I was born

(C) Rakesh Kumar aug 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

बुढा होता देश....

कैसे कह दूँ आज की अब ये देश मेरा है
लडखडाता, गिरता हुआ चलता हुआ ये
जगह जगह इस के शरीर पर पड़ी झुर्रियां
इस के शरीर पर जगह जगह घावों के निशान
बूढ़े हो चले इसके शरीर पर उन घावों से निकालता खून
भिनभिनाती, निचोटती, काटती मक्खिया इसे
कैसे अपना लूँ मैं इसे, कैसे प्यार करूँ मैं इसे
कहाँ गया मेरे सपनो का देश, मेरे बचपन का देश
कहाँ है उस खुशहाल देश का सपना
इस के बेकार हो चुके अंग, कैसे चल पायेगा ये
इस के माथे पर कश्मीर का न सूखने वाला घाव
मुझे तो ये भगवान कृष्ण ॰दारा अशवथामा को दिया गया अभिशाप लगता है
इसके शरीर पर माओवादियों के दिए जा रहे खारोशें
इस के धमनियों मैं बहता भ्रष्टाचार से दूषित खून
और आतंकवादियों के हाथों दिए जाने वाले समय, समय पर
बिजली के झटके कब तक सहन कर पायेगा ये
इसके अंदर अलगाववादियों, धर्म का फैलता कैंसर
घृणा से सिकुड़ती इसकी आँखों की पुतँलिया
राजनेताओं ॰दारा इस के दिल मैं किया जाने वाला सुराख़
कितने दिन बचेगा ये हार्ट अटेक से
इसके अंगों मैं फैला गरीबी का कुष्ठ रोग क्या कभी इसे छोडेगा
लालच और आधुनिकता के दौड मे हर दिन इसका बलातकार करते हम लोग
पड़ोस के भेडिये इसके खून के प्यासे, कैसे बचायेगा ये अपने आप को
दिन, दिन खाँसता कमजोर होती, टुटती साँसें इसकी
कैसे देश बुढा हो गया, युवा हुए बिना ही...

कैसे इस हाल में इसे मैँ छोड़ दू, मैं भी तो इसका ही एक अंग हुँ,
मै भी जिमेमदार हुँ इसके इस हाल का, लेता हँ प्रण इसके इलाज का
मै आज आखिरी साँस के चलने तक....

(c) Rakesh Kumar aug 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Question..

No, I am not your answer
I am a question of your life's chapter.
Which still need to be conquered
Whose answer you always assumed
Whom you ignored over time and time again
The question you many times tried to exhume

The question which you only created
Though its answer you always hated
By doing so always you burnt
Day by day and moment by moment

Sentence you formed and words you put
Behind clusters of many unknown root
You, the reason why it was born
Though many times you were warn

Now for answer, how harder you try
Bending on knees, you beg and cry
Many ways you try it to decipher
Or you run many miles it after
This is what ultimate fate could be
Never realized it could be deadly

How much satisfy with it you claim
Unable to find right answer you blame
Whether you shout or whisper
No one is there to get you answer

You are asker, You are Creator
Now its too late for you to alter
You gave me the shape, created statue
Like or dislike nothing left to argue
You gave height, width and eyes
Now its final whatever you apply

Either you put me in a choice of your place
Or throw me disdainfully in a corner
But you will not be able to erase
Whether you explore or close the door
Now I am forever totally yours
Farther you go, you will find me inside deeper
Whether you cut your past or future...

(c) Rakesh Kumar Aug 2010

Sunday, August 08, 2010


Sun was already out
When I got up this morning
Birds were singing
I found myself many things asking..

I asked
From sun warmth in behavior
From bird sweetness in voice

From the grass for greenery in life
From the wind  for openness in choice
From the ocean waves reason to rejoice

And I also asked from sky
Only till a blink of my eyes
Limitless, that if I could borrow

I asked from everyone
And everyone gave

That's the way I lived my life
And whole life I behaved.
This is all about my life
How I survived
Joy, sorrow, pain, warm
Completes my life's form

My life was always empty and hollow
Lived on only things that I borrowed

One day in dark cold night
A unknown voice asked me, polite

Hey, "You lived life with spark"
"Life for you has been hallmark"
"So affluent and rich.
You got a taste of niche."

Will You borrow me some of your love?
Doing so you will take you higher and above

"I promise, I will multiply the return"
"It will be the most profitable earn"

Love borrowed I never theorized
I was shocked and surprised

"The night without sleep"
"The pain, sadness, loneliness"
"Tears without weep"
"The words said, speechless"

"My life depends on it. Listen to my call.
Give me a portion small". She said it all

I am scared and silent
My words are absent
She is still waiting
But I have lost all my judgement

© Rakesh Kumar Aug 2010
To Live in the great way is neither easy or difficult,
but those with limited views are fearful and irresolute.
The faster they hurry the slower they go,
and clinging cannot be limited;
even to be attached to the idea of enlightenment is to go astray.
Just let things be in their own way
and there will be neither coming nor going

--From The Book of Nothing 

Friday, August 06, 2010


This poem is a conversation between person with his manager, who is suppose to be fired from his job.

Once you have been brilliant
So you were hired
Now there is no work
And you have become a useless jerk
You need to be fired

 We are management who drive company
Our plan failed that's an agony
Someone need to be sacrificed
This is part of game
You are not the only one who cried

Company earning since quarters have been decimal
Though your performance has been exceptional
Take baggage and clear you desk
This is your final settlement cheque

Hard times were near you already knew
But this is time to say adieu
I did more whatever I could
Although I liked working with you

Please be in touch
Nohing more I can do as such
Some time we will join for a beer
Keep my number you are very dear
Be brave you will win many more frontier

(C) Rakesh Kumar aug 2010

Monday, August 02, 2010

All you who...

Recently I started reading work of Vikram Seth and below is the among one of the best poem I have gone through. Its touchy and speak about loneliness..

All you who sleep tonight
Far from the ones you love,
No hand to left or right
And emptiness above -

Know that you aren't alone
The whole world shares your tears,
Some for two nights or one,
And some for all their years.

                    -- Vikram Seth

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Your Beauty...

I must say
you are beautiful, why
To world you are not new
But I have a different view

There is no beginning and no end
When I look at sky
The same meaning I give to your eyes

I want to relax and lost forever
In a deep green forest
No place I find elsewhere
When I think about your hair

Brilliance of god
Where I bow impressed
No more meaning to express
The way I feel about your breast

I failed in ultimate test
Winning a gold medal in Olympic race
A most difficult case
I don't have word to describe your face

A long affair
Nothing left to compare
A final creation of Aztec
The same example I find in your neck.

My source to rejoice
The early morning chirping of birds
I ask no more choice
I find mesmerized when I hear your voice

My life is barren
Your beauty is source to sun
A reason to survive
I pray for your presence in my life
Against all the goods I have done
I compare you to none..

(C)Rakesh Kumar