Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Five secrets...

Recently i finished a book title 'Five secret you must.... ' The book is based on the author interview with people from different walks of life and their learning and experiences in life. The five secrets what author called and my learning are below.. It its about asking question to ourselves how are we doing? Where are we going?

Be true to yourself (Reflect more)
--Am I kind of person I want to be?
--Am I following my heart?
--What would make tomorrow or next week feel more true to myself?

Leave no regrets (Risk more)
--Am I acting out of fear?
--What it takes for me to be more courageous?
--How I am responding to setback in life?

Become love (Love more)
--Am I making room for family friends relationship?
--I am living with luv and kindness and spreading it in the world?

Live the moment (Enjoy more)
--Am I enjoying fully whatever I am doing?
--Am I really here or just showing up?
--Do I let tomorrow or yesterday to steal my today happiness?

Give more than you take (Return more)
--Am I making world better place even in small way?
--Am I reminding myself that I am making a difference even when I don’t see it?
--Am I kind, generous, and giving this week? How can I be more that way?

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