Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What is real...

"None of this is real. You pull the plug I disappear. Nothing I ever say, nothing I ever do whatever matters. Why don't you find my user." said Hog. The character in '13Th Floor, movie when he realizes that he is just a computer simulation and not real.
There are 3 movie I remember made on computer world, virtual reality and simulation which raises the question about reality. They are 'Matrix', '13Th Floor' and 'ExistEnz'. I think all were released around same time.

The question remains what is real. what is virtual? I think both are complementary, When reality doesn't exist its virtual, like absence of light is dark. Can I say whatever I feel, whatever I do, whatever my senses tells to mind is real. Is it reality? (Gita: Everything is MAYA). Imagine one day getting up in the morning and only finding just few things we were believing since years doesn't exist in the same form, be it trust on someone, belief, love, person anything. How does it feels afterwards knowing what our beliefs were not true, what have seen were not true, your feeling, love, relationship, person are not in the same form, what you considered doesn't exist same way. It may be perception, things that your were holding about something does not existing in the same way. How do we react. When we find whatever we were holding is false and now exist in different form. If we look only to our self we will find such moment exist in our life too. Everynone must have already faced it. Remember How did it feel then, how we reacted. I am sure its not easy to accept them easily and those were hard time and what about the world we live, about our whole life when we find this existence is not real.. Its not easy...

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